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Diaries from Happy Valley Part-3


Forever Online

People all over the world remember God when they need Him the most (like me). They say "he Bagwan". Though there is a lot controversy if He exists but let us assume that he does. And he has to be wake all time to cater everybody.

But some people have become more online than Him. Whenever I log into gmail (probably Google's most addictive product) I see couple of people always online. Don't want to name them but they are surely the God's of the gmail. Lets call them Gmailwan!

FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 2009

Sehwag ki batting

Can't help much. Such is his brutality. Sorry using the same old words of our commentators. But just can't find anything else to describe his form of batting. I think he is all about playing with the psyche of the bowler. Just imagine. You wake up fresh. Do you morning warm-ups. You are feeling good. You go in bowl a decent ball. It is hit for a four. You think probably the next one would get him. You bowl the next one. It speeds even faster to the boundary. You bowl the third into his body. The ball lands into the crowd. By now any bowler would feel the panic. Panic of getting all the six balls into the fence or over the fence. That's where Sehwag is so good. If he initially upsets one or two bowlers, game is over.

Yuvraj is even a worser batsman to bowl to. Because he just hit sixes and some fours. And Raina only hits sixes. So chances for 6/6 happening are very high if your initial deliveries land up in stands.

Personally I too have a experienced such trauma. When you get hit for three or four boundaries in one over, you just don't feel like bowling another one. You really start thinking as a batsman then and it becomes difficult to think as a bowler. I guess experience matters. But still !!!

As a write this Sehwag is dismissed for 40.


Record Breaking Unshaved Face

I thought, I have broken all records this time. Its been nearly six weeks since my last shave. Last time it was in last Fall. But do not remember the duration. But this time I have gone over the roof to the extent that I have forgotten the color of my face! I think. Its really the height of laziness, I ever reached. But I am glad, I have broken one extreme.

The thing is here nobody cares. Although I know I look pathetic and people do not tell me that, but its like nobody in the lab cares. The amros consider it as a privacy breach asking about health and appearance. The chaptas can't speak much of English. And even if they do stammer about me, I won't know that. Their gibberish is GIGO for me. That leaves just the Desis. A quite smile and an assurance is enough, that I would do it this weekend. Life was never so free. I wear anything and go to university and the office. Nobody cares.

I remember my Mom would get after me, calling me anything from Osama( err the 'T' word, amros go hide) to Dadrial. After a couple of weeks I used to get fed up and then shave. But I never went beyond three weeks. I do not remember when did I last showed my face to them over Skype.

That's the only positive I see of living by one self. You could possibly do anything, also things which you could not back at home.

FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2009

Are you GAY?

Let me put this very clear. I am not GAY. But this happens very frequently, especially late nights here. So I finally shaved. After almost 2 and half months. The big face with all that black beard transformed into a sharper and a much smaller face. Of course I managed to retain my fairness and the cleft was also pretty much there. But somehow I liked the bearded look more.

It wasn't possible unless ten people in one day reminded me that my beard was going out of control. Not words were not exactly these but meant the same. Just the other day I heard JEHAD somewhere close to the IST. And then there were screaming police cars near my home that day, not for me but for someone else. I decided before I get into some unwanted trouble I better find that razor. It makes more sense now that spring has arrived in its glory here and so have the beautiful american girls.

So its Saturday night and I decide to romp to IST to check some emails and of course the IPL. I stay there for 3 hours and then decide to take the 1:20 am bus back. As I walked past the deserted streets, I was approached by two American men. They looked drunk. One of them asked me 'Where is your girl?'. I replied "No girl'. As we were crossing he remarked "Are you GAY?'. I am surprised and coaxed into the answer 'NO!!!!'. He did not bother to look back. I guess he was actually gay. May be not. Oh its too complicated. But he managed to put a smile on my face. That's what I care about.


LEFT EAR out of service

It happened again. My left ear has left me high and dry again. Something is really wrong with it. Last December when I was returning home my both the ears were blocked. Thanks to US airways, I began to listen something when I got down at London. My Uncle only know how painful it was for him to get those big wax balls out of my ears even after nearly 2 weeks daily dosage of drops. Even the nurse found it funny that I was behaving like a kid. But my Uncle can be brutal sometimes. But then all Doctors are that way.

The only respite is I am able to hear from my right one. And partially from my left as well. Got to get some medicine from CVS.

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Gaurav Gupta -
Software Engineer & Searcher

Hi, I’m Gaurav. I’m a Technology Enthusiast living in San Francisco Bay Area. I am a fan of technology, reading, and programming. 


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